Letting Go

Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy!

Who can forget that beloved Ms. Frizzle who inspired her class to “take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!” All but play-it-safe Arnold loved Ms. Frizzle’s field trips that took them to places they’d never been before, often leading them into scary and unfamiliar territory. But oh the adventures they had! Even Arnold would end…

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Are You Weary in the Waiting?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV It seems that if a writer isn’t writing, then she’s waiting… Waiting to get edits back from a critique partner.Waiting to hear from…

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Interrupted by American Idol Auditions & Lessons Learned From The End of the Journey

This last week has been a whirlwind of excitement for my son and our family as we focused on his dreams instead of mine. American Idol auditions. It started with a simple press release I sent out last Monday with the hope that some local media would respond to the subject line: Local Teen Wins…

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5 Rules to Avoid Disappointments

It’s been a while since I got a rejection, (mainly because it’s been a while since I submitted something.) They used to hit me hard, and sometimes they still do, if I don’t follow the 5 rules to avoid disappointments I’ve learned the hard way over the years. This weekend I forgot the rules. I…

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My Journey to Balancing My Dreams

I’ve been thinking a lot about my personal goals, my children’s dreams, and what I want my family to look like. Unfortunately, all three are often in conflict with one another at different times. I knew from a young age that I wanted to write and I’ve never doubted the calling, though I’ve struggled often…

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What’s the Point?

Confession time! It’s getting harder and harder to rejoice with friends and fellow writers when they receive the “call,” that first book contract, or for that matter their ninth book contract! Years ago I couldn’t rejoice at all.  Jealously and longing for my own “news” was all I could see. Then God delivered me of…

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Just Plain Weary…

I’ve gotten past the weary in the waiting part after almost two weeks of the blahs (due to a rejection, what else) and just when I feel I can pick myself up off the floor and leave my pity party (and actually start writing again) I get slammed in the face with another issue. Lack…

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Ready to Bury Digging Up Death!

That’s the novel my agent has shopped around and it seems like “Digging up Death” should never have been dug up! My latest rejection was pretty detailed and I heard that’s a good thing. Means I’m on my way… problem is it takes so darn long for me to write a novel, I might be…

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From One Addiction to Another…

Seems like when I kick one addiction, another addiction pops up. For example, before I blogged I was an obsessive writer and critiquer until God told me to stop. So I did for a season and picked up blogging. It was a way to deal with not writing. Yeah, I know it doesn’t make sense,…

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Twas’ The Night Before Listing: Sellers Beware! House Happenings Part 3

Twas two days after renovations and all through the house were wood floors and new carpet, no need to grouse. All the rooms were picked up, all nice and clean, most everything was hidden and not seen. When what to our frustrated ears do we hear, “You’ll never get the price you want, is that…

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