

Gina Conroy Award winning novel writing book

The ONLY resource you need to walk you through brainstorming and writing your novel!

New Release: Anxious for Love in the “Bright Lights Collection”

Event planner Charlee Lovelle, with a talent for creating perfect moments, except her own, is fed up with online dating games. Australian dating coach Maxwell Adams just wants to help people find love and take his business to the next level, not play the dodgy Love Doctor. Both frustrated with the superficiality of modern relationships, Charlee and Maxwell engage in an emotional game of tug-of-war as they embark on separate paths of self-discovery. In a whirlwind of humor, heart, and unexpected connection, they navigate the complexities of romance and relationships, but will they recognize the pull towards each other or will their own inner struggles keep them apart?
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Bright Lights Anxious for Love by Gina Conroy

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