Homeschool Records Revolutionized
As we gear up to start our third year homeschooling I’ve come to realize that I write the way I homeschool.
In the writing circles you’re classified as either a Plotter who painstakingly plans out every scene of your novel, or a Seat Of The Pants (SOTP) writer who knows nothing more than the name of her character and the basic conflict.
Well, I’m sort of a combination. (Some one needs to come up with an acronym for that one.) I plan a little and then let my characters take over. I steer them one way through basic plot points and then see where they want to go.
It’s the same with my homeschooling. I have a basic skeleton of the subjects and what I want to study for the year, but I don’t always know how I’m going to get there. And it’s fun and exciting, but also disorganized and confusing at times. So in an effort to get better organized in homeschooling I decided to start with better record keeping and planning.
In the past I bought those spiral notebook type daily planners that all the school teachers have. No design really fit my needs, but I used them anyway, scratching out subjects and scribbling over dates. This year I designed my own daily planner on the computer, one that would fit my needs, but then I found this.
It’s a homeschool record keeping program that will work with any commando planner or flower child unschooler. In less than an hour I walked through the set up program, Iable abel to add my four students and get a feel for the program.
We used it today for the first time on our first unofficial day of school. My goal was to get on a good morning schedule and do Bible and a little math. I recordeskeletonelton plan in the teachers journal and this morning after Bible which just happened to contain a hidden math lesson, I recorded it in the kids daily school planner, marking each as completed!
I know there has to be some homeschoolers still using the archaic method of record keeping, afraid of the technology learning curve, but it wasn’t that difficult and it will save me tons of time while keeping my records neat and orderly.
I think the only downside is that now I’ll be on the computer more!