Releasing Your New Purity Part II
“The love that provides us with a new purity will never astonish us unless it’s seen against the bsackdrop of God’s raging fury toward sin. When he’s viewed almost exclusively as a God of love, we see forgiveness as just part of His job. That leaves His love with no punch for us, no fizz, no sparkle. Assumed Grace can never be transforming Grace.”
Wow! Dwight Edwards puts God’s love and holiness in a new light. I’ve been guilty of seeing God as a loving, though distant Father, probably becasue that’s what I knew my earthly father to be. I’ve never really wanted to look at God’s holiness and wrath as a part of His true character, but Edwards says, “We must be primed by the blazing holiness of God before His love and forgiveness will be genuinelly life changing.”
Then he asks the hardest question of all,
“Are you willing to risk coming to God as He is and not as we would like Him to be?
My answer to this question was this…For me that would mean pleading the blood of Jesus almost every hour because I sin so much in my attitude with my kids and my husband.
What’s your answer? What if you came to God as He really is wrath and holiness, love and forgiveness? Seeing God as He is instead of picking the attributes we like like side dishes on a value meal.
Here’s a paraphrased analogy for you from Edwards book.
What if you were at the petting zoo and a tame little lamb came up and gave you a lick on the hand. You’d think nothing of it. But what if a ferocious lion, who’d just escaped his cage came tearing off toward you with his mouth looking for his next lunch. Your paralized with fear, and when he’s breathe is upon you, he licks your cheek and stands by your side.Which lick would mean more to you?
The sacrifice of Jesus the peaceful lamb will never be appreciated to its full extent unless at first He’s seen as the roaring lion.