Back Seat Babble
We’re finally back from our long trek across the US and are content to stay home for the next couple of years. It’s amazing how sore my body is and I haven’t worked out in weeks, just driven for over 48 hours in the car. Not all at once, but Saturday’s 15 hour drive seemed to have done me in.
The funniest part of our driving trip was Grace asking every so often… es grandma live in our Universe? Are we in Grandma’s Universe yet? It’s so adorable I didn’t dare correct her.
Speaking of Grace, she’s gotten into this habit of saying something and then asking what it means like…
“Oh, Jedi (our dog) , you’re so adorable! Mom, what does adorable mean?”
Then I explain it to her and she continues on until the next question. Who needs a vocabulary builder? Grace is learning all on her own!!
BTW, she’s got in a two day kindergarten next year. I’m thrilled. Just have to check out the school and pray for the right teacher.
Did I mention it’s good to be home???