School Days
We visited the boys school for orientation the other day. Joey (10) is really excited about school. He’ll be one of five in a class room, and I’m thrilled that he’ll be getting so much individual attention and chances to answer and participate. We’ve already had the talk about not hogging the answers and let others answer once in a while. Mrs. Weir, his teacher, has already asked me for input in writing which isn’t her strength, and I’m thrilled to participate in that area and have such a hands on approach in my son’s education. Since they’ll be learing American History, I told her I’ve written a couple of plays and she’s already planning on how she can put on those class productions.
Timmy (7) is a little reluctant about going to school. He’s only been to preschool, and when we pulled up to the school he stated he didn’t want to go. But once he saw his class, and got to meet some of the boys he got excited. It’s going to be the hardest to let go of him, but I know this is the best thing for the family next year. I’m already secretly planning on homeschooling him for 3rd grade, but we’ll see what God has planned.
I’m excited about the opportunity the boys have to be in excellent productions. We met the drama teacher, introduced her to my boys and shared their experience in theatre. The main production in the spring will be the Music Man and the teacher mentioned to Joey that she’s looking for a Winthrop, so he needs to work on his lisp!
Chris will be in 7th grade next year and we’re going to visit his teachers tonight. I’ll post an update after the meeting!
I think Chris is excited about school. It starts on Monday, and we’ve already met his teachers and found his classes. He’ll be going on an over nighter to a retreat center on Thursday morning and all day Friday with the entire junior high and high school student body and staff!
He’s looking forward to making new friends and being a part of the Falcon House. The junior and senior is divided into four houses and compete in attendance, academics, sports, character, etc. and it’s a great way for the older students to mentor the younger ones.
I’m so excited about this new season in our lives. Chris was the reason we started homeschooling and he’s matured so much in three years. I’m really glad I had him home (despite the struggles) because now he’s ready to be out on his own and I know without a doubt he will succeed!