No Boys Allowed
That’s what Grace told me to write on a sign she’s putting on her door because she said her brother’s said “NO Girls Allowed.”
We’ve been switching rooms around all week, painting and sorting through enough toys to stock our own Salvation Army store. Grace (5) has been wanting a roommate for years, so she’s moving in with Timmy (7), and Joey’s is moving into to Grace’s old room.
He’s ready to have his own room, especially since he and Timmy have different sleeping habits, and most nights Timmy crawls up on the bunk in Chris’s (13) room.
Though I’m not sure the new sleeping arrangements are going to work out. Timmy is already fighting with Grace. His new car bed is not ready yet, so he’s been sleeping in Chris’s room. Plus, he’s noted that Grace’s stuff takes up more than half the room. I assured him that when he gets his car’s loft bed, he’ll have a cool club house underneath.
I took pictures in the middle of the process, should have started with the room in it’s before state. I’ll try and look for photos, but my computer seems to have eatten my photo files!
I’m am so ready to be able to walk through my halls again, though I think it might be another week or two before I can do that!