Kids, homeschool and writing, Oh my!

There are days I question my sanity. And days when my husband does the very same. šŸ˜‰

When I married, I had no plans to homeschool three children, be a published author, be president of a writersā€™ group, teach high school seniors, speak, do interviews, blog, participate in a homeschool group, a home group, and try to squeeze in exercise, date nights, and time just hanging out with my family and friends.

Notice sleep never even makes it on the list.

Praise God, these things didnā€™t happen all at once! And for that Iā€™m forever grateful to the Lord who added each item on my plate in relatively sedate increments.

Iā€™m also very grateful for my familyā€™s unending and enthusiastic support. Without them, I would not be who or where I am.

Beyond their prayers and proud declarations of ā€œMy Mommy is a writer! You should read her books!ā€ or ā€œMy wife is an amazing author, you really should pick up a copy of her books.ā€ to everyone with ears, my kids and hubby are practical in their support.

They clean the house on Saturdays so I can spend all day (9AM to 1AM usually) writing. They go to the grocery without me~ happily too, because when I go we always spend more money on chocolate. My husband also teaches the girls math so I can work in the afternoons. And my hubby is an amazing cook. He actually loves to cook (like his chef brother) and so after teaching him how, I happily turned over my skillet and measuring spoons.

Not only that but my family is either praying for or attending my speaking engagements, interviews and book signings, all with amazing manners and beautiful smiles. (I must insert there that threats and rewards are all used in varying degrees to accomplish this feat of mommy survival.)

But even with their support and help, there are days I long for just being Mommy again. The writing life is a tough life, one full of rejections, late nights, angst-filled moments staring at a blinking cursor, and unending battles with lies about how I canā€™t really put a decent sentence together or have anything intelligent to say.

And itā€™s a life of sacrifice. Blood, sweat, tears, and time I can never have back.

But itā€™s the life God calls many of us to. And itā€™s a dream come true in all its real-life guts and glory moments.

So whether your cheering section includes a spouse and kids, or an amazing writing community like Writerā€¦Interrupted, remember to thank the Lord for those folks. This writing path is one where prayer partners, travel buddies, a Band of Brothers/Sisters, and/or a family cheering section are a must.

Writing is a journey full of adventure and awe. Make sure to enjoy the mountain-top moments, but your travel companions even more. They make the trip worth every step.

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here