ICRS!?! Let the Chaos Begin!
It’s as official as it can get. I’m going to ICRS (International Christian Retail Show) as media! That means I get to interview authors for my blog. That also means I’m being inundated with phone calls and email requests by publicity people wanting me to interview their artist/authors.
YIKES! Talk about biting off more than I can chew. There are soooo many people, and I have an empty schedule waiting to be filled. I’m not even sure where to begin! I don’t want to overload my schedule, and I really don’t know what to expect. Luckily I have my reporter’s hat stashed somewhere in the closet. Guess now’s the time to pull it out, dust off the old tape recorder (do they use those any more) and start figuring out who to interview.
Any one who’s been to ICRS I could sure use some pointers!