I’ve Got a Bone to Pick up Here on my Soap Box!
Nothing frustrates me more than reading a book filled with lazy writing. I’m talking about dialogue tags and telling. So and so “said eagerly, or demanded or protested,” so and so “felt defensive, violated, etc.”
Anyone whose been studying the craft of writing for some time will tell you to nix the dialogue tags when at all possible and go with action beats. “Jenny, come here this minute.” Allison tapped her toe, hands firm on her hips. Not only does this eliminated the annoying “said” it also shows that Allison is angry or impatient. I didn’t have to say Allison felt angry because the reader sees it! The reader doesn’t have to be told, she gets it. What telling does is distance the reader from the character. Showing helps the reader experience the emotions of the character.
I’m reading two books right now that could be considered opposites in storytelling. One is suspense, tight writing, engaging, emotionally connected. The author doesn’t mince words, doesn’t use “said” and only tells when necessary for a transition.
The other book is general fiction, loose plot, not very engaging, blah characters, over use of “said” and telling. I can’t connect with the characters. I don’t feel their emotions and the lazy writing just plain irks me. I’ve never read this author before, might give her another chance because she’s very popular and has written over 100 books.
Yes, you read that right 100! Which brings me to a point to ponder. How can someone so prolific, who’s sold so many books, get so lazy in their writing? Or maybe it’s because this person whips out five books a year. Maybe she doesn’t have time to pour her best into her novels and it shows, at least in the current one I’m reading.
The other author, on the other hand, only writes one book a year. Aside from the intense plotting that goes into her suspense books, I see the toil and labor over every single word. Her writing is stellar, and it shows.
Which brings me to my second point to ponder. Do I want to be like this prolific writer, that cranks out book after book, but writing is lax? Or do I want to be an author that writes one great book a year?
I think I already know my answer!
You’ve read the post. What do you think? I’d love your thoughts on this issue and the books you’ve read lately.