

The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber… Romans 13:11 NIV


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I slam a hand on my alarm clock to halt the annoying blips.  I nestle lower in the bed looking for the entrance to my dream.  Nine minutes later, the maddening sound starts again.  My eyes creak open long enough to see the clock.  Time to get up.  Get up, I tell myself.  Self doesn’t move.  Get UP, I scream inside.  Nothing. 

Slow and steady I pull myself from comfort to join the busyness of the day. 

I am ashamed to tell you how many times I’ve sat on a pew and slammed my hand on the snooze.  Just a little more time to sleep here, Lord.  I’m comfortable.  Half asleep, I was still aware there was more to serving than sitting.  But friends, I didn’t move.  I slept.  I slumbered.  I snored. 

And then one day, I awoke.

That fresh and new feeling of walking out of the shower was mine.  There was a pleasing aroma about me.  Ready to charge into the day, I dressed and got ready for work.  And the work was pleasing.  Satisfying.  Fulfilling.  In that work, I found my boss.  I met Him face to face.  Oh, that I may never sleep again.

Give yourself the quick sleeping test – pinch yourself.  Are you awake?

Lord, thank you for waking me from my long slumber.  Energize me.  Give me strength to submit to Your will and follow wherever You lead. Father, don’t let me drift off.  Help me run through life with open eyes and let me see where you want me to go.  Amen.


Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on https://www.facebook.com/gina.conroy and check out my books here https://amzn.to/3lUx9Pi