Dropping the Ball…and What's the Point?
I feel like I’ve dropped the ball on so many projects. I haven’t looked at Writer…Interrupted practically all summer and my writers (as well as myself) have been locked out of the blog for half the summer now. I started to pursue redesigning it, but don’t know a whole lot and frankly, sometimes I ask myself WHY? Is it really making a difference out there?
I’ve dropped the ball on several book and product reviews and plan to get to them, really, but life is crazy once again without a chance of slowing. Why or why can’t I say no to a good book or product!
Plus, I’ve got several people giving me stuff ot give away to my readers and I’ve done nothing with that as well! The info is buried in my email and if I can just dig myself out…
I’m at a point (again) where I’m asking myself. What’s the point? My writing career hasn’t taken off, I only have a dozen or so (that I know of) loyal blog readers, but am I really making a difference out there? Does anyone care is I drop several balls? Will anyone notice???
My time is stretched really thin now with teaching writing and I haven’t even started my homeschooling yet. ACFW is around the corner and I have nothing new ready to pitch and I’m wondering am I wasting my time and money with going.
Needless to say, life is overwhelming and I’m wondering if I should be juggling this all at all. I hope things will slow down in a month or so, but I’m just not sure. I guess all I can do is hope!