My Summer Road Trip: Are You on the Route?
I’m here on a family vacation, and I’m already thinking about my summer road trip where I will spend two weeks (more if I can manage it) on the road visiting some of my favorite online friends! Jealous? Well, this has been a trip in the making for about two years. For my 40th birthday I wanted to go somewhere with friends, maybe a cruise, but alas it was too difficult to pull off, not to mention expensive, so the idea of the road trip was born. I let it marinate for a year or so and then started to leak the word… planned my route, and I’m off! Well, not until sometime in the summer! Not sure the exact date, but here’s the plan. If you’re a reader or writer friend and are “on the route,” I’d love to connect somehow. Here’s the tentative itenarary:
Wichita, KS to Denver, Colorado
Denver to Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone to Southern Idaho
Idaho to Portland, Oregon…to the coast
Oregon Coast down California…
California to Grand Canyon, Arizona
Arizona to Texas, maybe…
So there you have it! My road trip! And a much needed vacation after this family vacation! 😉