Sacrificing to Save Money

What are you willing to sacrifice to reach your family’s goals and dreams which may include getting out of debt, saving for a new car, or a much needed vacation?

Could you go without Starbucks, Dish Network, or fast food? These are the things I have contemplated giving up over the last couple of months to save my family money. With the recent hike in gas prices (and higher prices projected) plus a new driver in the near future, sacrificing to save money is in the forefront of mind.

Since we put our youngest in school full time, saving money has been on mine. I’ve found that with an honest inventory of where money is spent, a little ingenuity, and some sacrifice, my family can save a couple dollars a month. Here’s where I found ways to cut the spending. I hope it inspires you to do your own inventory!

Fast Food

I confess. I used to use my credit card for fast food. It was quick and convenient, but now my rule is if we don’t have cash, we don’t buy it! And what I’ve noticed is that we hardly go through the drive thru anymore. Not only is this great for our budget, but for our health as well.

Pizza Night

Friday has been pizza and movie night for as long as I can remember. But even spending $20 for pizza four times a month and paying late fees at Red Box can easily adds up to $100. So we’ve decided to limit the take out pizza to once a month, find alternative, fun dinner options like making our own pizzas, and watch Netflix movies instead. No, they’re not the latest releases, but it’s a simple way to sacrifice to save money.  What ways can you trim the food and entertainment spending?


When we moved to our new home two years ago we got cable for the first time. I was against it. I didn’t want my kids being sucked into mindless television, and we had survived without paying for television before. Two years and thousands of dollars later, we’re seriously thinking of pulling the plug after we realized we were spending $100 a month on television we hardly watch especially now that my mom has her own home.

With and Netflix ($10 a month) that have television series and movies at our fingertips, it seems senseless to spend money on cable or satellite especially since we’re not a big sports watching family.

First thing I did to ease us into this transition was to block Disney and Nickelodeon and we started watching Netflix series like Flipper, and turning off the television all together and playing games instead! So far no complaints. This not only saves money but reinforces the our family values.


Does anyone still have a home phone? If so, why? Most people don’t need one if they have cell phones. So why not ditch your home phone service and save lots of money? That’s what we did. Our family now has four cell phones and we’re constantly changing plans to save money. Recently, our ten year old got an Ipod Touch, and we discovered that he can call and text for free! So even without a home phone, he has a way to communicate if I need to run a quick errand.

Toll Roads

I was shocked when my husband told me we were spending $30 a month on toll roads since we moved to our new house less than a quarter mile from the turnpike. At first, I was against the idea of going five more minutes out of my way to avoid the tolls, but now that I’ve been doing it for the last month or so, it’s no big deal.

Sometimes we get into the habit of something that it’s hard to stop. But if you try something different, if just might save you money.

How can you apply this to your own spending habits?

Sacrificing to save money is not fun at all, but neither is realizing your dreams or goals will never happen because you don’t have the cash. With a little family sacrifice, planning, and goal setting, you can reach your goals and live your dreams.

Next time I will share personal ways I’m planning on sacrificing and what I’m willing to give up (gulp!) to save even more money for my family!

Until then, what is your family doing to save money?

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here