What Do You Believe?
Believe. Great power lies in that little word.
On January 30, 2011, a friend and I completed a half marathon. If you have ever done such an event, you will know that the vast majority of these require complete mental determination, belief. Halfway through, I began telling my friend, “just see yourself crossing the finish line. Don’t bother thinking of how many miles we have done or how many are left, just see yourself at the finish and you will get there.” What it came down to is believing we would get there. And we did.
I have found we often become stuck in current circumstances and current problems. We do not give any attention to where we want to be and what we want to achieve. Just think for a moment what you want life to be like. Now, do you honestly believe you will get there? If you do not, please wipe those thoughts from your mind because you will not get there. However, if you believe you will meet your goals, you can picture yourself having achieved these things, it is more likely to become your reality.
When working with training clients or new AdvoCare distributors, I know I must help them believe in their ability to reach their goals long before we achieve them. Once they honestly believe it is possible, transformations happen. But first, they must believe.
Do you believe you are worth healthy habits? Do you believe life is more than lugging around extra weight and complaining of aches and pains? Do you believe you are worth the effort? To truly change your lifestyle and achieve your own health goals, you must first believe you can attain them. Once you have grabbed firmly onto belief, you can begin taking steps to a healthier life.
In January, I spoke with The Pink Dress (a ministry for women) on the issue of health. To listen to that podcast, please click here.