His Love for Us Never Ends

I remember the day in the middle of the week, the Holy Spirit tugged at my heart. It invited me to take a break and spend some time with Jesus after a stressful day of school. I couldn’t let this invitation go. I desired to speak to Him. Once I got home, I set my stuff down, checked my Facebook, then headed to my room and closed the door.

Quiet time is not only a quiet time, but a peaceful time for me. They consist of the room lights off, the sun coming in from the open window, and worship music playing off my iPod. I enjoy my quiet times. They are not only time to myself, but time between my God and I.

With the setting set and myself settled, I began to read a little from the book my grade was reading in our impact group. I couldn’t help, but close the book because the tugging on my heart was still there. The tugging was either something I had to say, something my God wanted to tell me, or both. I began to pray and as I did, I also began to cry. My life seemed complicated at the moment. It also seemed full of mistakes which was the main reason for my tears. I said, “God, I’ve made so many mistakes. I feel very ashamed of myself. I wish I could’ve known and done better.” From deep within my soul, someone smiled. My God answered, “Child, I still love you.”

God still loves you. He still loves you even if you make mistakes. He still loves you no matter the circumstance. We are not perfect and we never will be, but God doesn’t expect us to be. The lives we live aren’t meant to follow a set of rules nor do good deeds to please God. We are meant to have an intimate, true relationship with our God. A relationship with you is His greatest desire.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

What’s amazing about the love of God is that it is everlasting. He has and does and will always love you. He never changes, He’s always the same.

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Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on https://www.facebook.com/gina.conroy and check out my books here https://amzn.to/3lUx9Pi