From Contract to Shelf: My Book’s Story in Statuses and Pictures

I know I’ve been away from here for a while, but I haven’t been far. I blog EVERY Friday at PLUS I update my Facebook and Twitter statuses like crazy and I’m planning on reposting some popular posts I’ve written so stay tuned. I’ll try and hang around here more just in case you missed me! 😉


I thought I’d take the time to reflect on the one year gestation period of my “baby.” Special thanks to Facebook and my overactive status updates! Couldn’t have posted this without you!

December 2010: My anthology partners contact me to see if I want to resubmit our novella to Barbour now that Barbour was open to stories other than Christmas. I reluctantly say yes, knowing that if my story was contracted, I’d have to cut 36,000 words.

January 2011: I determine to get on a good schedule with my historical WIP, but cryptic facebook message sent to my phone from Lynette Sowell (while in a pet store shopping for my son’s belated Christmas present, a snake,) gives me pause… Since I didn’t have internet access, I couldn’t check my email like the message asked me to. After a couple of fb messages via cell phone, I get Lynette’s number and call her, confirming my suspicions that our novella collection had sold. It was about a week after we submitted!

January 28, 2011: I Facebook… (yes, FB is a verb!)

Guess the beans are out of the pot, so here it is. I got “the call” and first fiction sale for a Barbour anthology mystery series with Cara Putman, Lynette Sowell, and Frances Devine set in Washington, D.C. My story takes place at Mount Vernon where an archaeology intern finds a forged artifact in the mansion. It will release in early 2012. (Thanks to Facebook Timeline for helping locate this message.)

I never did get a picture of me actually signing my contract because it came during Snowmagedon 2011 and frankly, I didn’t get dressed for two weeks and HAD to turn that contract in to make it official. I thought about a faux signing…which still may or may not happen!

January – June 1 I agonize over cutting 36,000 words from WIP

Here’s a sampling of the many status updates…

Jan 5: Two computers. Three versions of WIP. 30,000 words to cut and rearrange. It can be done!! I just might not be sane when it’s over!

Feb 3: From 56,793 words to 35,635 and still editing my way down to 20,000. But it will all be worth it, right?

Feb 10: There is NO EASY button!

March 9: Just saw the cover for my first sale, Cherry Blossom Capers! I will post the cover when they release it to the public soon!

March 21: Email my agent with subject line: Trying To Swallow This Elephant.

Then the rant…”Oh, wise and all knowing agent, I could really use your advice, wisdom, miracle working powers right now!! I’ve cut about 26,000 words off my novella and I’m only at 29,000. I’m shooting for 22,000 and I just got rid of two cameo characters and beloved scenes, but still can’t swallow this elephant. I need perspective, practical ways to cut this baby down that I haven’t tried…and a hack saw!”

He replies, “When the ark is sinking, throw out the elephant first. Is there a huge chunk you could cut out? Could you start it later and cut the entire beginning? Is there an entire scene or set of scenes that could be cut out without doing damage to the story?”

I get back to editing…

March 30: ?26,999! 🙂

April 1st: My book cover! What do you think?

May 13: 23,849 The End…again! Still have one more pass to try and cut down even more, but it’s almost done!!

May 26: Mind is drifting to ideas for my book launch party (Jan/Feb 2012) Think I should get the book turned in first?!? Less than a week til deadline!

June 1: Novella turned in! Onto the next story!

June 11: Working on my WWII women’s fiction is like visiting with an old friend. I could really use an uninterrupted weekend to catch up with the old girl!

July 20: My book is about 6 or 7 months from releasing, but I’m starting to think about my book launch party and promotion. I’ll be looking for influencers who will get excited with me about this book and spread the news, as well as prayer partners to cover me as I travel this new road. LMK, if you’re wanting to help in any way!

Interviews and guest post scheduling begin…

July 28: Just got my edits back from my editor, but haven’t opened the attachment yet! They need it back in a week! Good thing I’ll have plenty of idle time in the car while on vacation to work on this! And so it begins! Need to cut 600 more words! Prayers appreciated as I put this chubby baby on a diet!

Aug 9th FB Status: Thanks to all my new friends! Edits were turned in before vacation and now it’s just wait and see what to do next while I update my website and get ready to launch the book in January. I’m sure I’ll have another step or two before then, but it’s time to focus on new WIP!

Aug 11th FB Status: Look what’s on Amazon! And at a GREAT price!

Sept 20: First ever gallies (or is it galleys) on the day before I drive to ACFW! Guess I need to pack one more thing!

Sept 21: I’m impressed with my bio for Cherry Blossom Capers. Whoever wrote it @ Barbour, thanks! You made me look good!”

Sept 29: Writing my first ever dedication! How in the world do I thank everyone? How do YOU decide what to write in your dedication?

Nov 16: Most people are counting down to Thanksgiving, holiday shopping, and Christmas! I’m counting down to my book release! 45 days! Should I be worried?

Nov 25: Channeling my dormant news reporter as I finish up this press release! #amwriting #marketing #promotion

Nov 28: Holidays=interruptions in writing. Embrace it and don’t fight it. This too shall pass, might as well enjoy yourself! #amwriting

Nov 29: Writing 1000 new words this week, NONE on WIP! But having fun writing mystery script for book launch!

Dec 12: 19 days until book launch! So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it…

Dec 14: I can really use some extra prayer these next couple of weeks. Remind me not to launch a book right around the holidays! :/

Dec 17: My books are delivered two weeks early!

Dec 22: If you pre ordered CHERRY BLOSSOM CAPERS on amazon, Merry Christmas to you!! They’ve been shipped & people are reading now!

Leah Bickler…My cheerleader and faithful fan even before she read it! And here’s some trivia. One of the characters in the book is named after her husband’s grandma, Martha Bickler, our dear neighbor of ten plus years!

Jan 8 2012: Cherry Blossom Capers: Mystery and Mayhem Book Launch Party

The signing

The Mystery Party

The Suspects!


Thru Jan 27: Book Sitings after first speaking engagement!

Local Christian Book Store

Justin “recommends” my book!


And there you have it! From contract to book shelf. Isn’t the life of an author glamrous!?!

Do you own a copy of Cherry Blossom Capers? I would love for you to send me your picture holding the book and/or review and I will feature you on my blog!!

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Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here