The Good Interruptions
Last week my regularly scheduled post was interrupted by Spring Break. There was really no reason why I couldn’t have posted, I just got off schedule. And getting back on schedule this week left this column empty…again.
But I have a good excuse. My own blog writing was interrupted this week by my guest post on Novel Journey and preparing for my interview this morning on following your dreams. Then there was that ballroom dance I attended last night instead of writing…all work and no play! 😉
So I’m sharing these good interruptions with you today:
Dancing with Donald Maass and How a Dream Encouraged Me to Write
Following Your Dreams Teen Talk Radio (10:15 am CST) with Nicole O’dell If you can’t catch the show, I’ll come a back and put the direct link to the podcast after the show!
And tomorrow (Saturday) my interview with Novel Rocket will be up! Stop by and leave a comment!
I hope you’ll share with me YOUR good interruptions!