Story Ideas: While I am Sleeping
Other ideas I believe God just pops into my head. Not to sound super spiritual, but it’s true. Some of the stuff I come up with is because I wasn’t trying to come up with anything at the time.
Here are a couple of examples of how I have used my dreams and ideas from God in my WIPs.
After attending a romance writer’s meeting a couple of years ago, I asked God to give me a romance idea since romance writing wasn’t something I was particularly interested in, but I wanted to be a part of this romance writing group and learn more. That night I had a dream about a retired football coach, and an idea for a romance was born.
Years ago after reading a suspense book, I asked God to give me an idea. It came to me while I was in the car. A simple “what if” idea and Viola! A suspense idea was born.
While I sat in church one day, a scripture jumped out at me. No, not literally! I wanted to know more about this person in the Bible. So I went home and started writing a Biblical fiction novel.
One time I woke with a crazy dream. I wrote it down and it has supernatural suspense written all over it. It’s still, buried in my “idea folder,” waiting one day to come to life
There was the time I woke at 4:30 am from a dream and couldn’t get back to sleep. I decided to get up and write. I ended up with the first chapter to a momlit novel.
Though none of the above ideas have turned into completed novels yet, their stories I’d love to return to one day.
So don’t knock those dreams. They can be inspiration from God or possibly indigestion from the late night pizza you ate. But either way, for me they make great material for my books.
How about YOU? Where do your story ideas come from?
And take a look how God spoke to me through a dream while “Dancing with Donald Maass!”