Digging Up Death is a Week Old!
So how about helping me celebrate this week!! How can YOU help? Glad you asked!
- If you read and enjoyed Digging Up Death, would you consider writing a quick review on Amazon or rating it on Goodreads? Here are some links where you can leave your review:
B & N
Goodreads - Facebook or Tweet a favorite line or two from the book (without any spoilers!) as you’re reading. Tweet about a favorite character or spiritual theme. If you add @GinaConroy, then I’ll retweet you.
- Take a picture of you and your ereader with my book on it. Post it on facebook, Instagram, twitter and send it to writerinterrupted (at) gmail(dot) com
- Make a Vlog or video review of Digging Up Death and I’ll feature it on my blog!
- Visit my influencer page and host me on your blog
Mystery Writing is Murder with 8 Ways to Cut the Fat from your WIP and a Giveaway!
And if you want to host me for a guest post or interview here’s all you need to know: