4 Practical Ways on How to meet a Deadline
1. Banish self doubt. There isn’t time to constantly second guess every decision. If an editor had faith that you could deliver, have that same amount of confidence in your own abilities.
2. Have a great critique partner. When I couldn’t make a chapter in my book work, I sent it to my critique partner and got some great advice. On a tight deadline, it helps to have a fresh set of eyes on your project.
3. Focus on the big picture changes first. I have a tendency to tinker with my scenes. Change a small sentence here. Reword a phrase there. That is not progress. Save the tinkering for your final run through of the book.
4. Leave enough time for surprises. The publishing process is full of surprises like galley proofs that need to be turned around quickly and opportunities you weren’t expecting. If you only leave yourself enough time to finish your WIP, it will transform these little surprises from exciting developments to stressful problems.
How about you? Do you work better on a deadline? If you’re unpublished, do you impose your own deadlines for your writing?