Why I Choose Not to Care So I Can Focus
Hoo, boy.
This shifted my whole morning. I expected to post the link, then get on with my day. I had planned to do some real writing, a little web design for a friend. None of that happened. Instead, I engaged further. I entrenched myself in the spontaneous debate. I searched websites for supports to my arguments and went about thoroughly wasting my day.
Clearly, I have trouble walking away. That’s my problem, and it’s a problem I plan to fix.
I care a lot. I have a double load of opinions and an abundance of passion. (My friends call it “brutal honesty.”) If I want to be effective in my calling, I must first be selective about how and where I apply my passions. I need to choose not to care so much about things outside my scope. I have to pick and choose my arenas and entrust those I neglect to others with greater abilities and direct callings.
Politics are important, and Christians should care about the choices and actions of their government leaders. Economics are important. We need to know how money works so that we can be wise stewards and make effective decisions as consumers, planners and philanthropists. Current events, world religions, social trends … all of these things are important and they all interest me. Of course, I’m also interested in crafts, photography, home decor, music and theatre.
The fact is: I cannot possibly keep up with everything and still accomplish what God has called me to do. I need to make choices about what I will care about and into what I will invest my time.
What has God called me to do?
Honestly, I’m still discovering that. Right now it centers on caring for my family and, in harmony with that, writing and teaching. I’m sure He has more opportunities and plans for me in the future, but I don’t yet know what they are. As I walk with Him, He will reveal his calling to me at the right times.
I may not know all that lies ahead of me, but I do know that spinning in circles won’t help me see it. Running full force down unrelated rabbit trails distracts me from my purpose and distracts others from the message of my life. It slows discovery.
My time on this earth is very limited. I don’t want to waste it. I want to be focused, not distracted. Disciplined, not flippant.
And so I choose not to care.
I choose not to care as much, as actively, about things that aren’t in my scope of purpose.
Talk to me: What interests have you set aside to pursue something better?