Top 10 Lessons Learned at ACFW

Starbucks, writers, coffee by Ron Estrada

I, your humble reporter, attended the ACFW Writer’s Conference last weekend. It was the first time I’d attended since 2005. As you can guess, I found myself…interrupted after that point. If you can swing it, get there. The fellowship alone is worth the price. Start saving your pennies now for ACFW next year.

That being said, here are my top 10 lessons learned at the ACFW Conference:

10. You will forget everyone you’ve met online when you meet them fact to face (my apologies to Lisa Jordan).

9. Agents keep a phone to their ear at all times. Don’t be fooled. Go ahead and pitch.

8. Writers only need a “hello” to launch into a long discussion of their latest book. Be sure to say “hello” to me next year.

7. A Starbuck’s in the lobby of a writer’s conference hosting hotel will need to call for back up.

6. Sit at the bar. All agents end up there eventually.

5. Certain agents (I won’t mention names) will read your chapter samples and visit your website while you sit there. Prepare for this eventuality. Make sure your last blog post wasn’t from Christmas of 2009.

4. Asking romance writers “What’s the name of your Amish novel?” isn’t funny and will earn you nasty stares.

3. If you don’t know what steampunk fiction is, just keep it to yourself.

2. “Research” is not a valid excuse for yelling “food fight!” during the awards gala.

And the #1 lesson learned at this year’s ACFW Conference…

1. The hotel management will have a “word with you” if you slip your one sheet under every door at 4am.

Here’s hopin’ you meet me in St. Louis!


Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here