Kings River Kayaking Adventure
April 7, 2021
“The absolute best part of the trip is escaping the craziness of everyday life and experiencing the great outdoors with good friends, gorgeous weather, and an insatiable curiosity about what’s around the next bend,” says Leslie Sanders HYOH member and leader.
However, don’t let the beauty of the river fool you into thinking it’s a ride down the lazy river. Although this 11.25-mile float’s difficulty is a 1- 1+, if the water is slow moving, it can test your endurance with a 6-8 hour paddle ride.
Fast moving water with riffs and small waves come up quickly, and the current can steer your off course.
“I loved the feeling of excitement that came from unknown rapids ahead, the incredible strength and beauty of the river at the horseshoe bend, and the freedom to explore the cave,” says Annie Hancock.
As with every river float, obstructions can catch your kayak if you’re not a very skilled kayaker. However, the risk is slight and self-rescue is easy especially while wearing a life jacket. As long as you stick close to the group, you’ll never be in a jam.
Leader Beverly Hill recalls how before she crashed, Alan Maschoff, founder of HYOH Adventures, says to her, “Bev, I am going to the right here, you can go left if you want, but I think it will shoot you across there pretty fast.” Hill says, “at the end of the day, Alan said that it would build my confidence. And it did. It gave me a respect for the river.”
Not only was personal self confidence developed on this trip, but the teamwork, support, and encouragement the leaders showed towards each other left leader Amy Hillburn with a sense of pride on so many levels.
“There is unspoken protectiveness and safety emanating from within this group of leaders that allowed us the opportunity to relax and enjoy this level of adventure,” says Hillburn.
“I loved seeing our team members work together on the scouting trip and their enthusiasm in learning new skills to utilize for the club,” says Maschoff.
Everyone in the group looks out for each other and is ready to offer a helping hand. What makes a HYOH adventure stand apart from the rest, is you can always be sure that a team member will have your back.
“I’m so thankful to Alan, Jim, and RJ who rescued me, not once, but twice when I flipped my kayak,” says leader June Palmer. “They didn’t think twice about leaving their dry kayaks to wade across the freezing river to free my flipped kayak from the eddy that held it captive.”
It’s not only the amazing support this club offers its members that makes it an unforgettable experience, it’s the new bonds and friendships that are formed.
Leader Stephanie Jetton feels lucky to have an adventure club of friends who help stretch its members out of their comfort zones. “We’re there for each other whether we come out right side up or upside down.”
Friends, laughter, caring, heartfelt shares. It’s all part of the HYOH bonding experience. Newcomer Jennifer Pratt explains it best. “This just feels like family.”
Gina Conroy
Adventure Writer
Posted in Blog