Forever Interrupted: A Whirlwind of Change
Isn’t that how life seems when we want to be doing something else. Right now life is a whirlwind of change. The weather is warming up and spring winds are blowing, literally, and in tornado alley, it’s always a bit scary. But it’s also predictable.
Spring brings wicked weather. There’s not way around it. Some years are more active than others, but it’s inevitable when the skies turn grey, my make shift storm room is ready and my heart beats a little faster.
I used to be terrified of tornado season. But I’ve been here about 20 years and learned that if I’m prepared, I have nothing to fear. I just need to watch the signs and take precautions. Then hunker down if necessary and wait. Wait for wicked weather to pass.
And it always does.
Then you know what happens? Sunshine. Glorious sunshine chases away the storm clouds and leaves no evidence in the sky that things were once dark and scary.
That’s what I’m focused on during this season of change in my personal and professional life. Too many changes to number. Too many thoughts I will have to share at another time. When the storm clouds have passed and the sun is shining.
Right now things are a whirlwind. Home remodel (and never ending declutter project) so we can put our house on the market, a career (teaching and speaking) to focus on, and a maturing (no more little ones) family to care for.
And writing, let’s not forget the writing that I should be doing.
So this blog will be quiet for a while. I’ll stop in from time to time, as I feel moved to share what’s going on and I’ll still offer the same encouragement to write and NOT give up on your dreams.
But it’s time I concentrate a little more effort on my own. In the midst of the whirl wind. In the midst of the change. Because the sunshine is coming and I don’t want to be so busy I miss it.
So this is not goodbye (I know this sounds dramatic, but really, it’s not) it’s just a little break. Things will be changing here as well as I play around with some new designs. But I’ll be around, dancing throught the storms. So come find me on facebook!