Organize Your Writing Life

What used to be a simple routine of writing in the morning before going to work has morphed into a full-time job of writing as often as possible while also keeping track of a whole list of publicity appointments, editing, more writing projects and, of course, being a mom and a wife. I am here to tell you that if you have big dreams to get published, start getting organized before they come true. Once you sign that contract, your writing schedule will take on looming deadlines and that all consuming monster called book promotion.

When I worked full-time as an Administrative Assistant, getting organized was easier. I kept track of my own long-term appointments in Outlook the same as I did for my boss. I was on top of things and took pride in the fact that I could keep my boss, myself, and my family organized all at the same time. I was often able to recall any of our schedules at any time right off the top of my head. I guess that I looked at the calendar so often back then, I had it memorized.

Fast forward to now. Who has time to look at a calendar? I am no longer an Assistant. I need an Assistant. Since my six figure royalty checks haven’t arrived yet, I can’t afford an Assistant. For now, and probably forever, I’ve had to organize myself and find a better system.

I’ve tried a few different approaches:

The Day Planner

>While another writer friend of mine swears by her daily planner, all those little boxes and numbers make me feel confined. There is nowhere to scribble and I find the whole thing intimidating. The pages are so neat, I’m afraid I’ll mess them up. On a side note, I have to wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that my friend is a very detailed outliner while I write seat-of-the-pants and outline things later. We both organize our manuscripts in different ways, so why not our schedules? That concept aside, you might try using a daily planner like my friend. Even though it doesn’t seem to work for me anymore, millions use them with success.

The Notebook

I’ve always been a note scribbler anyway, so writing my schedule in a notebook has been a much better way for me to keep track of my appointments and tasks. I don’t remember to use it every day, but I do try. I personally like a Moleskine leather journal. I open it up and on the left page I write a list of things to do, and on the right side I create an hour by hour schedule. For example the first line starts out 5:00 am – write. I love the notebook plan because there are no square boxes or numbers. Plus, there’s room to scribble ideas I have at the last minute.


Along with my notebook, I’ve gone back to using Outlook. I have found no better way to keep track of dates far in advance. I like to highlight my events with colors and print all 12 months out every so often just in case my computer crashes. I love that I can write a deadline or an appointment that won’t happen for another year and set an alarm that will pop up to remind me.

I settled for the Outlook and Notebook approach for now, but you might be the type who uses a planner. Whatever you do, start using something that is devoted only to writing and writing-related things. There was a time when I could keep track of everything in my head, but as a writer, my job isn’t confined to an 8 to 5 block. As writers, we should be writing any time we can and as much as we can anyway, but when we get published, we have to add deadlines and more to our schedules.

So, get organized before you get published. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to put your goals into your schedule.

>1) Finish my novel.

2) Edit my novel until it’s perfect.

3) Attend at least one writing Conference or join a writing group.

4) Get published by the end of 2011.
5) Don’t give up. Keep at it.

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here