Introducing Chanda Canup
My name is Chanda Canup and my husband and I have been serving in ministry together for 6 years. He began as a youth pastor, and we just finished serving at a church where he had youth and music responsibilities. We are no longer pursuing full-time ministry; we have had enough of “church politics” and want to serve at a church we belong in, not a church with a job opening for Scott.
I am a stay-at-home mother of 4, ages 5-1 year old, and my children are a bright light in my life. My husband is a brighter light, and Jesus Christ is the brightest Light of all. I know this from “experimenting” earlier in my life, and even in recent days. We all experiment to see what will work, what will make us happy. I am fully convinced that Christ is the only solution to that. This is what I write about. My blog is called Thursday’s Child because I was born on a Thursday, but moreover, I truly have “far to go.” All believers must recognize their sojourner status in this world and I think that when we reach out to help each other along the way, we taste heaven. That is what writing is for me.
I wanted to join the blog ring because I am interested in what other Christians are writing about. I am curious about the publishing process. I am wondering what we have in common. Besides Jesus. This should be a given.
Thank you for your vision to create this ring. I know the Lord will use it.
By His hand,
Chanda Canup