How's YOUR Fast Going?
It’s amazing how out of touch I feel without Facebook and twitter, though I’m not missing it all that much except for when I want to tell the world about something! I don’t know what’s going on with everyone and I feel disconnected, BUT I’m not spending hours mindlessly checking up on people. Which is a good thing!
What I also noticed while on this less than a week fast is that people tend to forget about you if you’re not there reminding them with a tweet! (maybe I need to give it more time!) At least that’s my perception. I haven’t gotten ONE legitamate twitter DM or @, and only ONE fb message from a parent of a student (didn’t check fb, it goes to my email) which tells me that if I’m not out there soliciting messages, or posting a witty tweet, then people just aren’t all that interested. Hmmm, what does that say about this whole social media thing AND my craving for it?
Actually, so far it hasn’t been that bad. In fact, without the tweeting and facebook I’ve actually felt more free in regards to NOT comparing how many messages I’ve gotten compared to someone else. Yes, I’m still an insecure needy twitterer at times, don’t tell me your not! 😉 But the freedom is well…freeing!
Anyway, it’s Tuesday (or was by the time you read this) and I’m rambling. And despite the fact that I got two major rejections in two weeks and basically have NOTHING out there with publishing houses now, I’m doing amazingly well!
How are YOU doing?