The Tag Of Four
Beck has tagged me with the four word meme. I have to personally define them, and THEN I get to tag four more people with words of my own choosing.
Beck’s words:
Callipygian: While studying biology this year I came across this term as some what of freakish species in nature. It’s the cross between a caterpillar and pigeon. Now that’s scary!
Cholera: What I do to my mom when my email is down. I “Cholera” on the phone.
Circumnavigate: To go climb over the yard fence because my four year old has locked me out.
Calliope: The female cousin to Guadalupe?
Now for the tag. [insert evil maniacal laugh] Katherine of Raising Five, Code Yellow Mom for that really hard kid Meme I’m still working on, Tricia because she tagged me last and [drumroll please] the Dark and Disorderly dude because he probably has no idea what a meme is!
Okay, radomly looking in the dictionary now because my brain is fried from homeschooling or maybe I’ll stretch my homeschool vocabulary wings…
and one for good luck…