Never Stop Learning
When people start talking about writing conferences, many authors get sweaty palms, second guess their sanity in signing up for agent/ editor appointments and imagine locking their hotel room doors and never coming out until it’s time to go home.
I’m guilty of all three. More than once. And even after attending conferences for over six years.
So here’s what I do to get ready.
First, I pray hard. Conferences cost money and require time away from family and work. I need to know if a particular conference is where I’m supposed to be. If it is, God has some amazing ways of making that clear and preparing the way. And whether we attend or not, we can be praying for the presenters, organizers and attendees. That loving gift keeps us focused on the Lord and connected to friends as we build those relationships through prayer.
Then I tell myself, my husband and kids tell me and my writing partners remind me that we’re never too old or wise enough to stop learning. Having an attitude that seeks to grow and to share what we’ve learned goes a long way in keeping us grounded. It helps us remember a reason for and see that we have a purpose in attending.
Another way to prepare for a conference is to run into the heavenly Father’s arms. Often. Writing conferences are amazing places to learn, meet friends and make connections. They’re a place to see God at work. They’re also a place where it’s hard not to compare yourself to others. A place where the enemy of our souls tries to push our buttons and whisper words of discouragement at every turn.
But if we’re practiced in running to the One who can calm our fears and speak truth to the lies of the enemy, then we’ll take our Safe Place with us where ever we go.
And then a writer’s conference becomes a place to grow and one more way to connect with the Lord and see His direction and good plan for our lives.