Posts by Gina Conroy
Why I Choose Not to Care So I Can Focus
It was an innocent post. Not innocuous, mind you, but innocent. Little more than a link, really. Within minutes a storm of political debate erupted. Opinions collided on the economy, healthcare reform, Christian rights and responsibilities and elitist strongholds over mercy. Hoo, boy. This shifted my whole morning. I expected to post the link, then…
Read MoreNineteen Years of Interruptions and A Lesson Learned
My Son is 19 today! Where has the time gone? I remember his birth so clearly, mainly because he came 4 1/2 weeks early, and I decided to bring him into this world without an epidural. (Didn’t make that mistake again.) Two Saturdays ago I dropped him off at college with no tears. He’s only…
Read MoreIs Social Media Destroying YOUR Productivity?
Read to be Published
by Ron Estrada To pick up on the theme that Super G laid down yesterday, I wanted to talk about our reading strategy. Yes, I said strategy. If you’re the typical writer…interrupted, you personally know at least a dozen published authors. You also have a spouse and friends who say, “Oh you have to read…
Read MoreLose the Guilt: The Harsh Reality of a Reader…Interrupted
I have way too many books in my TBR (To Be Read) pile. Way too many friends with books I’ve been wanting to read for years. YEARS! Some of these books are personally autographed to me. They wait and stare and guilt me into not giving them away because I have to read them. My book…
Read More8 Ways to Revive Your Writing Mojo
I recently posted 8 Ways to Kill Your Writing Mojo. Today I want to focus on the reverse problem. What if your writing mojo is dead and you want it back? I have some ideas for that, too. Take an adventure. The first time I went to the Caribbean, I returned with a book outline, a…
Read MoreRead What Scares You
by Ron Estrada Last week I encouraged you to write what scares you. Find a theme that you’d just as soon avoid and dive in. The emotional ride it takes you on will grab the reader and take her along, too. That’s our goal. Having said that, now I’ll encourage you to read in the…
Read MoreHit a Wall? Change Your Course
8 Ways to Kill Your Writing Mojo
This whole writing business can be quite pesky. I mean, who really needs a muse popping up at inconvenient times and giving you burning inspiration that simply must be addressed? Who likes having a physical need to express oneself creatively? And who enjoys a solid groove of manuscript progress? There are ways to make it…
Read MoreWrite What Scares You
by Ron Estrada You’ve heard the same advice for years about how to behave at a social gathering. The unwritten rule to avoid controversial subjects like politics and religion are the basis for etiquette and creating lasting friendships or, at the very least, long term associations. It’s what keeps our existence steady and predictable, albeit…
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