Preparing Homeschool Transcripts
I love homeschooling older kids. They challenge me with their subjects, curiosity, and creative insights. I seriously learn right alongside them, especially through the subjects that I barely scraped through when I was in school. But I don’t get such a kick out of preparing the…
When the Creativity Well is Dry
“Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it, but the discipline of fools is folly.” -Proverbs 16:22 After struggling with a rough spot in my WIP for a ridiculous period of time, I concluded that my creativity well had run dry. It needed something I simply didn’t have. Thus, I did what…
Why do Homeschoolers Have Trouble with Grading?
I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to plan out the entire year in depth, but when it comes to grading, I have trouble following through. Planning gives me a road map for me and my kids. Then each week, sometimes a little less, I look through the plans to make sure…
The Power Of Small
Sometimes small is a better fit than BIG. Years ago, when my daughter Elisabeth was little, I was cleaning out a car I was trading in. As I checked under the driver’s seat for any leftover treasure, I noticed a music tape nestled deep underneath. I got on my knees and started reaching for the…
Walk the Road Before You
Just something God has been teaching ME on my journey. I’m no where close, but here’s some food for thought!
It’s The End of Homeschool Catch Up Time of Year
I know when the temperature starts climbing that I need to get into “Ducks-in-a-row” mode. The things I put off during the holidays have spilled over into winter and now I need to set them all aside again to end my school year. Assigning grades, administering tests, and that oh-so large mountain of curriculum I…
Interrupted by…Twitter
by Ron Estrada I made a comment the other day that I was far too busy working on my writing career to be bothered to write. Are ya with me? If I read one more article about how important it is to get my name out, build my platform, or develop a following, I may…
Rest for the Weary
Apparently, God is trying to tell me something. He keeps pummeling me with articles, conversations, and scriptures with the same theme: rest. God and I have had this conversation plenty of times, but there’s something different about it this time around. I opened my Jesus Calling devotional book the other morning, and the first sentence read, “You…
Taking the Sting Out of a Bad Review So You Can Become a Better Writer
No one likes a bad review, but let’s be honest, some of what the reviewer says might hold a bit of truth, if we’re brave enough to listen. So how do you get past the sting of a bad review so you can become a better writer? Grow Thick Skin Remember your first hard critique?…