When God Stops by
I confess: I don’t always go to church. Like today, the morning after a jam-packed Lindy Hop weekend with lots of fun, friends, and busyness. Not only is my body tired and achy, but my soul wants quiet…peace. And sometimes that is found at home…alone. So when I awoke this morning, I tended to my…
Interruptions Teach Us To Wait On The Lord
I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:13-14 One interruption after another – that is often a hallmark of a caregiver’s life,…
Know Your Editors
Nothing shouts “NEWBIE…UNPROFESSIONAL” like pitching an editor or agent a suspense story when in their bio it says they don’t represent suspense. So before you pull out your romance one sheet make sure the editor is looking for romance. The more you know about your editor or agent, the more prepared you’ll be for your…
Where I’m Writing Today…
I’m taking the day off of “business as usual,” as I hope you all are, but you can still read my guest posts and listen to my podcast from the last few weeks. I made it easy for you to find. Wouldn’t want you to WORK too hard on this labor day! Enjoy family, friends,…
Author Jennifer Beckstrand on Writing, Publishing, and Interruptions
My Writing Journey—or Detour You know how about four kids into your life you suffer from chronic insomnia because you can’t stop wondering what you forgot to do that day—like hug your child or go to the bathroom? That is basically how I started my writing career. One night, a few months after the birth…
What Goes on a One Sheet?
Going to a writer’s conference and don’t know what to put on a One Sheet? Here’s a great guide to One Sheets that get noticed!
I Was Supposed to Write Today…
How many times have you made that statement? I was supposed to write, or I’m going to write. Then you never do. Sure, you use the same excuses I do. Life is too busy. There’s not enough time in a day. Yada, yada, yada. I’ve been there. I’m still there. But I realized the real…
What’s a One Sheet?
So you’ve worked on your pitch, gotten it down to a 30 second sound bite that will knock the socks of an editor. Now what if he/she wants to know more? That’s when I pull out my One Sheet. I rarely have to do a lot of talking in my 15 minute interviews. I just…