What Should I Query as a Freelance Writer?
Making a living as a freelance writer sometimes requires nerves of steel. It’s a business where you have to be willing to take risks. What does that look like in a profession of words? It means applying for many different types of assignments—often where you have little or no expertise. I know that makes some of…
Story Engineering by Larry Brooks
by Ron Estrada Like many aspiring novelists, I tend to collect “how to write” books. I think I have about a dozen on my bookshelf and have read another twenty from the library. All have been useful, inspiring, and informative in their own right, but only a chosen few have made it to my “must…
How to Write a Freelance Query Letter
The first skill you need to develop for your freelance career is the ability to write a compelling query. How to Query This simple concept has caused more anguish for writers than anything else around. But it’s a necessary evil. Your queries may find their way to the editor’s desk in hard copy format or email,…
Getting Started as a Freelance Writer
With the economy as it is, lots of writers are feeling the need for additional or even primary income. With some hard work and diligence, freelance writing could be the answer you’re looking for. Freelance writing isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It takes hard work—and a certain amount of a daredevil attitude. BUT, if you…
Wings of a Dream by Anne Mateer
Rebekah plans on leaving the farm life for the big city with Arthur once the Great War ended. In the meantime, she heads to Texas to take care of her aunt, who’s been struck with the Spanish flu. It doesn’t hurt that Arthur is in Dallas training to fly planes. When she arrives in Prater…
Dream Killers
What’s holding you back from pursuing your dreams? Fear of failure? Lack of direction? Passion without purpose? Defeat and envy? Unsupportive family? Disappointment in the process? Or the fact you don’t have the know-how to take the next leap towards your dreams? I’ve suffered from many of these dream killers at one time or another…
Sacrificial Moments in a Homeshool Fishing Booth
Two of my homeschooling friends hosted a Fall Party this weekend. Perfect weather for it, too. We had outdoor games such as a “caramel apple walk”, treasure hunts, egg-and-spoon relays and a picnic-bonfire with a guitar-led sing-along time. At the outset, I found myself with another mom, slightly older than me and a complete stranger,…
Audience of One
I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. Away from me all who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my cry for…
Writing Action vs. Summary
When it comes to writing fiction there are two ways to write scenes. One is to “show” the action. The other is to “summarize,” which is called narrative. How do you pick which to do when? Consider the importance of the scene. I’ve been working with some new writers and one common mistake is that…
Notes from a Newbie
I remember the day I started seriously writing. It came at the hand of a hard critique. But not just any hard critique, the careful critique of a true mentor and friend. She graciously agreed to take a look at my writing project and give me her thoughts. I’d started writing a testimony of sorts,…