Operation Christmas Child: Shoebox Fun
Tears gathered in my oldest daughter’s eyes as she implored me, saying, “Mommy, please, just don’t give me as much this Christmas, these kids need things more than I do.” She needn’t have begged, I was all for the idea. Operation Christmas Child. With the National Collection Week in mid-November, there’s no time like now…
One Reason I LOVE Homeschooling
We’re working our way through the states, learning the basic facts like the capital cities and each state’s nickname. Where also reading lots of fun books on the each state.This week we’re in Maine and our focus has been on lighthouses. We’ve learned about the true story of a young girl named Abbie who kept…
I Confess! I’m a Writer Who Can’t Spell
And according to it doesn’t matter. Don’t believe me? Keep reading. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht Iwas rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnigto rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’tmttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olnyiprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat…
When Togetherness Loses its Allure
Many of us here at Writer…Interrupted are homeschooling our children. Homeschooling is a wonderful way to connect on a daily (more like hourly) basis with each other, but it’s easy to lose something special in the process. If my children were away from home for their school day, what fun I’d have getting ready to…
Tricia Goyer’s Homeschool Life
Our homeschooling journey began twelve years ago when my oldest son, Cory was of kindergarten age. My husband and I had close friends who homeschooled their children, and we liked what we saw. Their kids seemed to enjoy being with their parents and each other. They were smart, intelligent, and fun to be around. We…
Fall Fun For Your Little Ones
School is back in swing and cooler weather has arrived. Your schedule may be already quite full, but here are a few simple things you can do with your children that you might find both relaxing and educational. Identify the trees that the leaves came from using the Internet or a book on trees. Using…
A Heritage
The kids and I traveled to Nebraska last week. It was a whirlwind weekend. We celebrated my baby brother’s wedding followed by my grandparents sixty years of marriage sandwiched with another wedding celebration. Times like that make me consider what’s really important. As my cousins, siblings and I reminisced about what meant the most to…
The Hike
My son, Nathan, was commenting the other day about his two hamsters. “Mom, they have totally unique personalities. One is calm and likes to be held, the other is wild and always on the go. ” “Just like kids,” I responded. “No two are exactly the same.” Or should I say no “three,” because I…
The Difference Between Boys and Girls
Today Gracie, my four year old, wanted to learn to read. So we got out the ABeka K4 readers, the one where you read the letter sounds and blend words like C-A-T. By the fifth book I was wanting to quit, but she wanted to finish all ten. I rushed through the last five books,…