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Close Your Eyes, Say a Prayer, and Kick It
I truly love how many life-changing lessons from God are brought home in the simplest of situations. Recently one such situation was related to me from my younger sister. Her son is playing soccer for the first time this year. Being a natural athlete, he took to this sport with his usual grace and ease.…
Quick Fiction Fixes – Using actions to show emotion
We’re all busy, whether working full-time or chasing/chauffeuring kids around all day. Yet we’re also writers, striving to get our words on paper and then polish it to a sparkle. This column gives quick fixes for fiction manuscripts specifically for busy writers. Pick and choose what works best for you! Character actions: (I already covered…
Simplifying Your Mealtime Routine (So You Can Write)
I’m sure your calendar this month is jam-packed. Even though I’ve tried to cull much of the clutter from our schedule, December still leaves me feeling like my head is barely above water. But I’ve at last found a way to get my mealtime routine under control, and I wanted to pass this tip along…
“Help Stamp Out, Eliminate and Abolish Redundancy!” –Unknown, Unknown, Unknown My students are fond of writing, “I was thinking in my mind. . .” or “I was thinking in my head….” This concerns me as I wonder in what other parts of their bodies thinking may (or may not) be happening. These repeated or unnecessary…
Showing Up
Sometime ago a friend called me. She was freaking out because a friend of hers was having a really rough time. He was at church cleaning, and he’d called her needing to talk. Apparently he was in very bad shape emotionally. She called. “What do I say to him? I’m afraid I’m going to say…
Quick Fiction Fixes – Using thoughts to show emotion
We’re all busy, whether working full-time or chasing/chauffeuring kids around all day. Yet we’re also writers, striving to get our words on paper and then polish it to a sparkle. This column gives quick fixes for fiction manuscripts specifically for busy writers. Pick and choose what works best for you! Character thoughts: Your characters are…
Carnival of Christian Writers #14 – November 2007
Carnival of Christian Writers #14 – November 2007 November is a month of bountiful blessings at the Carnival of Christian Writers. Authors and Agents talk turkey about the craft and call of writing and offer some seasonal insights! Carla Stewart discusses “To Plot or Not to Plot” at Carla’s Writing Cafe. Tiffany…