Rockin’ Girl Blogger
Thanks to Tricia Goyer, Dineen Miller and Lynette Sowell for nominating me for the Rockin’ Blogger Chick. Now I get to nominate five, awesome rockin’ bloggers!!! I’m going for the not so obvious, but still way cool bloggers! Christa Allen Claudia Mair Burney Meredith Efken Jodi York Staci Stallings
Carnival of Christian Writers #10 – July 2007
This month’s Carnival of Christian Writers is sizzling with some great posts! These posts fit into the carnival theme quite well this month and if we put them into subcategories you might find: Get Your Tickets, The Fun House, Jugglers and Balancing Acts, Thrill Rides, Games, and some great Food for Thought. Have fun…
The Revelation of God
Ever have one of those meetings God clearly ordained? Either you realize it during the meeting, or after, when the facts have sunk in enough to complete the picture. I’ve had many over the years, but never one so clearly ordained as recently. God even made sure my teen-age daughter was completely occupied, and that’s…
Michelle Sutton’s review of Going for Broke by Melanie Dobson
Product Description: The first time Leia pulled the lever on the slot machine she hadn’t felt much, other than maybe a twinge of guilt, knowing how much her husband despised any kind of gambling. After all, she’d just been killing time while nursing a busted leg at the slopes. Several months, thousands of clicks and…
Making Time to Write
Make the most of every opportunity. (Colossians 4:5, NASB) I think saving time is found in the little things, making the most of every opportunity. Much of this comes from developing good habits and letting go of the bad. For example, I used to stumble down to the kitchen in the morning, turn on the…
Mid-Week Motivation
Starting Your Day Out Right Scripture/Devotion Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. ~Galatians 6:9 “Time to make the donuts.” Remember the commercial where the bleary-eyed donut man had to drag himself out of bed and do the same thing again…
Romantic Suspense-characters
by Margaret Daley The three most important characters in a romantic suspense are the heroine, hero and villain. You need each one to have a romantic suspense. Let’s start with the heroine. With each character you should develop their background. From that background you will come up with their present goals and motivations. Then you…
Bearing Fruit
I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. -John 15: 1-2 Every so often a reinterpretation sends shock waves through my life. Thus it was…
Surviving ICRS
I went. I saw. I came home with blistered feet. I’m talking about my first ICRS, the International Christian Retail Show, formerly known as CBA. I went this year because it was in Atlanta, about an hour’s drive from my house. How could I NOT go? I commuted, saving the cost of transportation and hotel.…