Mid-Week Motivation
Starting Your Day Out Right! Scripture, Short Devotion “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” ~ 1 Peter 2:2-3 As believers, our beginnings are often very much like our human beginnings. We are young,…
Getting Organized
by Dena Dyer If you have a resolution to “get organized” with your writing, here are a few tips that have worked for me: 1. First, know your organizing personality. For example, don’t try to use notebooks if you’re not a notebook person. If you love doing everything paperless, go paperless. Don’t try and…
Flash Fiction: Mick Silva
Busy today. A bit crazed, in fact. I’d like to say I’m good on days like these, but I’m not. In truth, they make me retreat into fantasy. Anything to escape… “Do you have the time,” the clock asks, no doubt amused by the irony in his statement, I’m sure. Cheeky clocks are forever messing…
Writing and Kids
I have here before me a squarish red book titled, Games for Writing by Peggy Kaye. I’m so excited about the games in this book that I had to plug it. Here’s a novel idea. Writing is about writing, not spelling. (I’ll admit, I blinked when I read that. I had my schoolmarm hat on.)…
“Writerly” Resolutions
We writers need rejuvenation every now and then . . . especially when the rejection slips start to pile up, the endless “waiting game” becomes maddening and the mailman looks on us with pity as he hands us (yet another) fat envelope. Since the start of a new year is a perfect time to begin…
Charlotte’s Web
I’ve read the book recently and own the cartoon version which I love, but big screen version of Charlotte’s Web left me asking “what’s missing and why didn’t I love it?” If you want a rave review of the movie go here. If you want my honest opinion, stick around. I took my four kids…
Michelle Sutton’s review of @ Home for the Holidays by Meredith Efken
From the Publisher: Sitting by the fireside, humming carols and knitting mittens…not! For these stay-at-home moms, the weeks before Christmas are anything but mellow. How can you balance housework, home crises and the husband without losing your mind? Plug in your laptop! Meet Dulcie, Zelia, Jocelyn, Rosalyn, Veronica and the rest of the women of…
Objectional Content?
Imagine my surprise when I checked my referral links and found this… Notify Blogger about objectionable content. What does this mean? … has been a ceramic sculpture of Santa Claus kneeling down worshiping the baby Jesus. … My blog? Objectional content? I think someone is referring to this post. Am I missing something here? So…
(c)Tricia Goyer, 9/2006 I have three kids ages 12, 14, and 17. If you have teenagers, then you know they know everything. This is especially true for homeschooled teenagers. Every time I try to teach them something I get this look that says, “Yah, I already knew that.” So, if you’re like me. Then next…