Release the Novel in You Workbook
Summer is the perfect time to start on your dream of writing your novel! It started out as a writing class I created for a class I taught at my kids’ school. Now I’m excited to announce the release of my “Release the Novel in You” workbook. I’ve taken the best of what I’ve been learning…
Show versus Tell
Here’s a little excerpt on “Showing vs. Telling” from my novel writing workbook. Readers want to be transported to another world and to experience the characters thoughts, actions, and emotions. If you don’t hook your readers (draw them into the story so they can’t escape,) they may get bored and not care about your character…
3 Secrets to Getting Published
You’ve heard it before, there are no overnight successes. Well, there are a couple I know of, but thankfully we’ve remained friends to this day. For the rest of us publication takes years, sometimes decades to achieve. And here’s a secret not part of the three needed to get published: those overnight successes spent years…
3 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Write!
By Gina Conroy We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But it’s what we do with those 24 hours that separates the productive from the unproductive. So how can writers simplify their life so they can find more time to write? Here are 3 ways to simplify your life and write more!…
How Not to Waste Writing Time
If you’re a busy writer with other thing on your agenda, then it’s important not to waste your writing time. Here are 3 simple ways to help you be more productive when you write. Go with the Flow I’m not talking about the words that should flow from your fingers. I’m talking about the crazy…
Writers Write
You may not even realize it yet, but you’re already a writer. The simple fact that you’ve picked up pen and paper—okay, tablet and keyboard, and pounded out words, albeit messy words (been there, done that) means you’re a writer. Don’t doubt it. But what separates the wanna-be writers from the gonna-be published authors is…
Getting to Know Your Main Character
Why is it important to get to know your main character before you dive into your story? Because without knowing specific things about your character you won’t have a story. When you first get a spark of an idea, you may not know anything about your main character except her name, and that’s okay. Maybe if…
Paint a Picture For the Reader Using Active Writing
I see it all the time. A writer has talent. Real talent for story telling. Story structure comes natural to them, and if they’re voracious readers, than that’s not a surprise. But the biggest problem I see in these talented writers is they don’t know how to paint a picture for the reader using active…
Helping You Write Your Story
If your goal is to write your story, then you’ve come to the right place. The former Writer…Interrupted has gone through a transformation not unlike the transformation I’ve been undergoing for the last few years. I’m still the same person, but with more life lessons under my belt. I’m still passionate about helping interrupted writers,…