Online Writing Classes Black Friday Specials
Get started on the way to your writing dream THIS Thanksgiving weekend! Ridiculously low BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS on my go-at-your-own-pace online classes! What you get is original, proven curriculum to move you one step closer to finishing that novel or memoir, AND mentoring by someone passionate about seeing your story come to life. Release the Novel…
Black Friday Specials on Online Classes
Get started on the way to your writing dream THIS Thanksgiving weekend! Ridiculously low BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS on my go-at-your-own-pace online classes! What you get is original, proven curriculum to move you one step closer to finishing that novel or memoir, AND mentoring by someone passionate about seeing your story come to life. Release the Novel…
10 Minute Teaching for #Novelists: Anatagonists, a love/hate relationship
Today we talked about antagonists and how to make them 3 dimensional from Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass. Learning is much more fun with friends. Come join me on my next live session!
10 Minute Teaching for Novelists: Characters and Sidekicks
Today I talk about supporting characters and sidekicks from Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass. Learning is much more fun with friends. Come join me on my next live session!
10 Minute Teaching for Novelists: The Ultimate Hero
Today I talk about characterization and the ultimate hero from Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass. Learning is much more fun with friends. Come join me on my next live session!
10 Minute Teaching for Novelists: Heroes vs. Protagonists
Today I’m sharing about heroic protagonists from Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass. Learning is much more fun with friends. Come join me on my next live session!
NO NaNoWriMo? Join Me for #FiMyNoMo
What’s #FiMyNoMo? I’m glad you asked. It’s my alternative to NaNoWriMo aka National Novel Writing Month which takes place in November. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve NEVER won the coveted NaNoWriMo badge or completed a book in a month, but I’m okay with that. And I’m in the middle of a novel, so instead of…
Reignite Your Passion for Writing
I started going through Donald Maass book “Fire in Fiction” and wanted to share what I’m learning with others. Come join me on my next live session!
I'm A BLABer Mouth!
And I’m having so much fun. My writing partner and I are now doing our Teen Writers Publish Podcast on Blab. I’d tell you all about it, but you just have to see for yourself. The Blab session below is me teaching on a book I’m reading. It’s a great way to chat with people…
I’m a BLABer Mouth!
Yes, it’s true! I’ve started Blabbing and I love it. My partner, Ron Estrada and I host our Teen Writers Publish Podcast LIVE almost every Saturday. If you’ve never seen it, check out the Blab Podcast below!