Read What Scares You
by Ron Estrada Last week I encouraged you to write what scares you. Find a theme that you’d just as soon avoid and dive in. The emotional ride it takes you on will grab the reader and take her along, too. That’s our goal. Having said that, now I’ll encourage you to read in the…
8 Ways to Kill Your Writing Mojo
This whole writing business can be quite pesky. I mean, who really needs a muse popping up at inconvenient times and giving you burning inspiration that simply must be addressed? Who likes having a physical need to express oneself creatively? And who enjoys a solid groove of manuscript progress? There are ways to make it…
Write What Scares You
by Ron Estrada You’ve heard the same advice for years about how to behave at a social gathering. The unwritten rule to avoid controversial subjects like politics and religion are the basis for etiquette and creating lasting friendships or, at the very least, long term associations. It’s what keeps our existence steady and predictable, albeit…
End of Summer Book Giveaway!
Bad news… it’s the final weeks of summer. Good news… still time to lounge by the pool or lake or inside with a good book. And to help you out, I’m giving away my two novels along with a Starbucks gift card just to sweeten the deal. Details below Also, those who leave an amazon…
Managing What’s Left of Your Summer
Summer. Time to slow down, relax a little, and finish (or start) those neglected projects you started last year. Right? I had grand plans of doing all the above, and while I’ve dabbled in fun and accomplishments, it hasn’t been to the degree I had planned. How about you? So in an attempt to embrace…
In a Fog on the Writing Journey
For the last few months, I’ve felt a foggy confusion hovering over my writing journey. I’ve pressed on, kept banging on the keyboard, and had a couple of encouraging things happen, but not really the kind of breakthrough I’d like. I’ve surrendered my writing journey to the Lord, so I’ve felt peace knowing that He’s…
How Writers Can Use Pinterest for Marketing
Pinterest has quickly become one of the fastest growing social networks and is turning heads in marketing circles. It’s time writers get on the train. Last month Brandy gave us a great piece on why writers should NOT use Pinterest. Anyone who has visited the site can tell you how quickly a few minutes turn…
Novel Idea to Premise
by Ron Estrada Your Big Idea You wake up at 1 am and say “Aha! I’ve got an idea!” Though your spouse is probably annoyed with you, you’re thrilled. You reach for your handy journal on your nightstand and write something like “A young girl meets her true love on Ellis Island.” You smile at…
Flashback Friday: Writing Dad: Author Mike Dellosso
Welcome to Flashback Fridays! For the summer and beyond, I’m going to run some nostalgic posts on parenting and writing from writing wannabes, newbies, and published authors. Many of these prepublished writing interviews are now published. So I encourage you to visit their sites and see what they’re up to today. 2008 I don’t know…