
Dogs in Fiction:The “Woof” Perspective

Guest Post by Becky Jacoby The ASPCA claims that 5-7 million dogs inhabit the USA. Considering how that number might have been ascertained, I would bet it did not include strays or dogs in shelters. I would love to see all dogs in good homes, wouldn’t you? Not only do I love dogs, but a…

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Interrupted by Vacation: Long Island, New York Edition

It’s been years since I’ve been to New York. Years since I walked the streets where I grew up, ate the BEST food in the world, and hung out with the craziest, funnest, and most loving people on earth! My family! No kids. No husband… And I’m having the time of my life! I thought…

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Ten Best Titles for your Writer’s Blog

by Ron Estrada Okay, it’s day seven of Super G’s exile in NYC. I was able to log in to the blog today, so I’m guessing she is a) without internet access, b) desperate for bloggers (and partners), or c) still trying to figure out her subway connections. At this point, having successfully hooked you…

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4 Reasons Writers Should NOT to Use Pinterest

In the last year, I’ve probably seen no less than a half dozen articles by smart, well-respected bloggers explaining why you should be on Pinterest and how to use it to drive web traffic. It’s also a big hit with my ladies’ groups at church. How many times have you heard or even said yourself,…

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10 Uses for your Writing Tomato

by Ron Estrada It’s day 2 of my WI takeover. I was hoping for hostages, but they all told me they had to use the restroom and I haven’t seen them since. However, in a half-hearted attempt to follow Super G’s instructions, I will post about tomatoes. Why tomatoes? I’m glad you asked. According to…

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Writing Tools Review- How Scrivener Changed My Writing Life

by Ron Estrada While Super G is off galavanting through New York, doing writerly things and hobnobbing with the big muckety mucks on Avenue of the Americas, she has given me the keys to WI. It is always satisfying when my relentless charm and Charlie Brown good looks lure yet another female into trusting me…

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How Do You Schedule the Unscheduled Days of Summer?

by Marji Laine End of school always labeled freedom. I can’t help but remember those elementary days and how we all dashed out of the school building on the last day. Some of the kids ripped their papers out of their notebooks, letting the wind carry the testimony of the hours of work away. I…

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Unless the Lord Builds Your Writing House

There have been some great posts recently about the difficulty of this writing journey we’re on together. If you haven’t read The Lonely Writer and When You Feel Like You’ve Been Left Behind, you should go do that now. Both of those posts really resonated with me because it seems like the disappointments on this…

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Finding Mommy Bliss

Guest post by amazing mommy friend GennyHeikka Life is busy and motherhood is busier. It can be easy to function on auto-pilot, missing the moments that make parenting rich. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and isolated too. If you’re a mom, you know that parenting can be chaotic, stressful, and complicated. There are temper…

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The Write Attitude

by Ron Estrada A successful writer becomes a success long before the first book contract is signed. Success happens when you make the decision that it will happen. No, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that if you visualize it, it will happen. That’s T-shirt philosophy and I won’t insult your intelligence…

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