
Waiting in Expectation

“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” Psalm 5:3 Sometimes, it’s hard to let myself expect something from God. To let my heart really hope for answered prayers. Waiting in expectation can feel a bit like jumping off the edge of…

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Rebuilding Your Tribe

by Ron Estrada Like most of the blogsters around here, my writing career has been interrupted. More than once. I enjoy blaming others for my problems and failures. After all, why should I be pressured into all the responsibility of moving my own career forward? Surely there’s a government program for that. Just what am…

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Feeling Overwhelmed with Your Work Load?

First drafts, research, edits – it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are steps you can take to get through it. • Write it down – I often make lists of everything that’s causing me stress. There is something about getting it from your mind to paper that helps keep it in perspective. • Start with…

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When Research Becomes a Little Too Real

Repost from Guest blog on “I grab some cookies to snack on while I read, & next thing I know, there’s an autopsy happening. Well played, Ms Conroy. Well played. ;)” This Tweet from @brandyhei  while she was reading my autopsy scene in Digging Up Death got me thinking… do readers really know what authors go…

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The Sovereignty Question: Does God Control Everything?

by Ed Gungor There are many who believe that whatever is destined to be, will be. They think that humans have nothing to do with the future; that is God’s sphere. Things only happen, these folks contend,because of God’s sovereignty, and human beings don’t really cause anything to happen that God wouldn’t have done anyway.…

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For all you Crazies in Love…

This poem won the Worst Prozac Poem in Chip MacGregor’s Bad Poetry contest a few years back! Yes, quite an honor! Thought it “fitting” for Valentine’s Day! 😉 Secret Admirer My love for you is full and overflowing Like my bladder after I can no longer hold it Like I want to hold you…But you…

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Fall in Love…With Your Writing Career

At my very first writing conference ever, author Bette Nordberg gave this advice: “Selling your first book is like what happens when a dolphin jumps through a hoop. You still end up in the same pool with all the other authors hoping to sell their next book.” Well, here I am. Two books later I’m…

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It Doesn’t Get Easier. Accept the Process.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~ Thomas A. Edison A few weeks ago the company I work for had a motivational speaker at our monthly staff meeting. One thing he said really stood out to me. He said, “It doesn’t get any easier. Accept…

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Interrupted by Sickness: A Blessing in Disguise

Thankfully, I’m not the one who came down with the flu Saturday, it was my mom. But while I wasn’t reeling from dizziness and nausea like she was, my plans were thrown for a loop. And I knew my plans were about to be  interrupted by sickness. Just when I was about to get in…

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