
How Does a Mother Balance a Writing Career with Homeschooling?

Home-schooling is already a full-time job, so how does a mother balance a writing career along with it? There are some specific things that we can do to adjust our teaching lifestyle so that we can also enjoy the talents and passion that the Lord instilled in us. In my last article, I spoke about…

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Searching for an Agent

When I got my first publishing contract, the editor discovered my manuscript buried in the slush pile. At the time, this publisher didn’t require their writers to have an agent, so I worked without an agent over the course of three books. Now that I’m further into my writing career, I’m ready to have an…

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Writer…Interrupted Popular Posts of 2012

Since my holiday officially ended yesterday, TODAY is when all things are new… or not… New year, same purpose: Writer…Interrupted has always been about encouraging busy writers in their day to day life through sharing my trials and triumphs trying to balance life, family, faith and my new passion… dance. But it’s not all about me…

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Change Your Mind

by Brandy Heineman As I started to write this post, the words I typed felt strangely familiar under my fingertips. I checked, and sure enough, I wrote them before in this space last year, which just goes to show that it takes more than a new year to change a person’s mind! The most important…

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How to Create a Habit in One Day

So, how are those New Year’s Resolutions going? It’s not yet been three days. Are you still holding strong? According to the University of Scranton*, 25% of resolutions never survive the first week. By the end of the second week, another 4% have dropped off the bandwagon. Only 46% of resolutions ever see the six-month…

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Change your Course for the New Year!

Why keep doing the things you did LAST year that didn’t work? If “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” says Albert Einstein Don’t you think it’s time to change your course!

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Dare to Dream in 2013

Before you make a list of resolutions you’ll fail to keep this year, why not focus on a forgotten dream. But here’s the key to making your dream become a reality. Don’t just think about it. Do it! I’ve been dreaming about dancing since I was a little girl. And just now, in my 40’s am…

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Is Home-Schooling and Writing Possible?

A home-schooling writer? The title builds pictures of a pajama-clad woman huddled in the corner over her laptop. The view of her is partially blocked by a broken easel and a thriving tomato plant. Microscope slides and a celery stalk in purple water decorate her desk while a partially colored US map provides wallpaper behind…

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Preparing for Holiday House Guests

Let’s see, by now you’ve decorated the tree, sent cards, wrapped presents, baked cookies, roasted chestnuts and sung carols, all while achieving a daily average of 2000 words, and your house is ready for hosting the perfect Christmas, right? Or maybe not. The holidays are always busy, particularly if you’re preparing for a houseful of…

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