Lots of Chances to WIN Digging Up Death this Weekend
If you plan on reading Digging Up Death now is the perfect time to WIN or buy it for $2.99 so you can read it over the holidays! It’s also available on Nook, Kobo and iTunes soon! Here are some places that are still having contests, but hurry, some of them end this weekend! This contest is…
What Writers Can Learn From Disney
The company I work for sent me to a training seminar presented by the Disney Institute. The instructors spoke about how Disney does business and how to apply their concepts of leadership and customer service to your own organization. I found that some of the lessons could be applied to my life as a writer.…
Published Novels and WIPs
If you know ME, then you know that any chance I get to mix swing with life, well I take it. So when Rajdeep Paulus invited me to the Blog Hop, how could I saw no…and quit from singing… Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop! Ah, let’s go to the hop Let’s go to…
Digging Up Death is a Week Old!
Last week I blogged about my first book sale and tacked on to the ending that Digging Up Death had released! But I really didn’t stop to celebrate. I guess it’s because there was so much still to do and I really didn’t have anything official planned since the release date kept being postponed. (Stay…
Celebrate The Hobbit Release with a Giveaway!
Is there anyone else out there EXCITED to see this movie! Well, here’s another reason to get excited! I have Hobbit Stuff (an activity book, bookmarks and buttons) to giveaway and entering is EASY. Just leave a comment with your email address and I’ll choose the winner on Dec 12! The Hobbit will release on Dec 14th…
Hurricanes of Excuse
I said I would do it. I said I would deliver the project on time. I said I would be faithful. I said I would be there. And then Sandy hit. The funny thing is that Sandy didn’t derail my life. Sure, we lost power and the kids missed two weeks of school, but in…
Abide in Christ
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me…
My First Sale Story: All Things Work Together for Good
There’s a few things in life that a girl really dreams of. Her wedding. Her first child. And her first book contract! We spend years dreaming, planning just how these things will turn out. And while my wedding was pretty much spot on except for the awkward first dance (we attempted to Fox Trot) and…