
Perfecting Your Pitch

For the next couple of weeks on Tuesday & Thursdays we’ll be focusing on conference preparation here at Writer…Interrupted. So you’ve finished your novel and your ready to set your baby loose. But if you were asked to describe your novel in a few sentences, would you be able to do it? Some people call…

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Internet Killed the Radio Host

              by Nicole O’Dell Have you ever wondered what it would be like to host a radio show? When I first started Teen Talk Radio two years ago, I was nervous that I’d be a flop on the air, I’d run out of material, or that people would see it…

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GIVEAWAY: Fuzzwippers Find Good Listeners

Leave a comment to win a copy, and I will draw a winner on Monday! NEW STORYBOOK SERIES HELPS CHILDREN BUILD CRITICAL LIFE SKILLS Fuzzwippers Find Good Listeners to be published on September 24 This fall, just in time for the changing of the season, 4 Sunflowers Media will publish Fuzzwippers Find Good Listeners ($8.99, ages 3-7) by Marilynn Halas,…

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First Conference Lessons

For the next couple of weeks on Tuesday & Thursdays we’ll be focusing on conference preparation here at Writer…Interrupted. Early last summer I met Elizabeth Musser at a book signing for her newest release. She signed my copy and I mentioned to her that I write fiction. “Go to a conference,” she counseled me. “That…

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Why Are YOU Going to a Writer’s Conference?

For the next couple of weeks on Tuesday & Thursdays we’ll be focusing on conference preparation here at Writer…Interrupted.  About eight years ago, I took the first step toward publication. I attended my first writer’s conference. I was young, determined, and naive enough to have the confidence to get on a plane and out of…

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3 Ways to Build a Speaking Platform

Some people speak so they can write books. Others write books so they can speak. Either way, writers must make the most of every speaking opportunity. Why? Because building a speaking platform depends upon how well you speak. Fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of most Americans. Many of us would…

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The Hazards of Computer Work: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

As a board-certified musculoskeletal specialist physician, one of the more common conditions that I diagnose through nerve-testing, especially in patients who keyboard extensively, is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This condition is due to a pinching of the median nerve as it courses through a bony tunnel in the wrist. The symptoms of CTS are fairly…

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The Death of a Seed

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” –John 12:24   As writers, we all have our creative processes, complete with our unique ways of getting the job done and our favorite parts of the…

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THINK Before You Publish

Every January I evaluate my blog and the direction of my writing. Am I where I want to be? Headed where I want to go? This year I discovered a distinct lack of courage. I play it safe too often. Since then I’ve discovered something I should have known all along: hot topics sell. (Brilliant…

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3 Must Haves for Ebook Authors

There’s no denying it. More and more ebooks, from both traditional publishers and indie authors, are hitting the cyber bookshelf. So what’s an ebook author to do about book signings and sales if they don’t have a physical product to hand their reader? When I signed my recent contract for my mystery Digging Up Death with an ebook…

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