Loving The Craft When We Tire of the Writing
by Cynthia Herron For writers, there’s nothing worse than those “off days.” The ones that Wally Writer and Annie Author rarely talk about because their writing is just too picture-perfect. Everything they create is a masterpiece. Every word they write is beautiful and filled with deep, profound meaning. They don’t often admit mistakes, because…well…they just…
ABCs of the Content Edit
Every step of my journey to publication has been a huge learning experience for me. The revision letter was no different. The content edits for Canyon Walls were pretty extensive. At first, I was disappointed, but now, I realize that it is just another step in making me a better writer. Here are a few of…
Cherry Blossom Capers Summer Fun Family Giveaway
It’s summer time and what better way to spend the time then by the pool reading and I’m giving one lucky winner my book!! “If you’re looking for an easy summer read then grab a copy of Cherry Blossom Capers. I’m not sure which story was my favorite as they all were enjoyable, but what…
How Long Do You Wait Before You Move On?
From the archives: This was first posted on March 8, 2012 This question is first and foremost in my mind as I think about friends and family who have waited and now are celebrating the end to their longing. A prodigal daughter and mother reunited. A divorced mother weeks away from marrying the love of…
God’s Plans Aren’t Changed By Interruptions!
I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. Romans 8:38 (NLT) I was headed out of town to visit family…
BIG Summer Family Fun Giveaway
I’m EXCITED about this Cherry Blossom Capers Summer Family Fun Giveaway because all of the prizes have to do with my debut novella! But you’ll have to read the book to find out how a Hoodwinked DVD or The Knave of Hearts illustrated book is related to my story. The GOOD news is you don’t…
Trusting in God
Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. –Psalm 62:8 A couple weeks ago, I made a list of markets that look like a good matches for several pieces of my short fiction. I told my husband that it’s high time I…