What If I Don’t Like My Main Character?
By Carla Stewart Writing a likeable protagonist has plagued my writing on numerous occasions. I think I have the perfect situation and give the protagonist (usually female in my case) an ordinary world where something happens that turns said world on its ear. Decisions have to be made, new roads forged, and of course, there…
3 Ways to Support Your Fiction Habit
While Working Towards That Big Contract
Many of us are committed fiction writers, yet haven’t been paid for our efforts in years. Sometimes it’s hard to convince family and friends and we’re working when we don’t bring home a paycheck. Sometimes it’s even hard to convince ourselves. So what’s a devoted novelist to do while waiting to land a big contract?…
Plan a Great Yard Sale
Yard sale season is in full swing! Here are a few tips to make yours a success. -Set a goal. Planning and executing a successful yard sale is a lot of work, and as with any big job, setting a goal at the outset is key. Are you primarily interested in reducing clutter? Augmenting your…
Spring Allergies and Writing Interruptions
As if Sandwich Generation caregiving issues weren’t enough to keep me continually interrupted and away from writing, spring has sprung with a vengeance. A short warm winter and even warmer spring now means tons of gorgeous greenery and lovely blossoms. Unfortunately, it also means more allergy issues than normal. As a matter of fact,…
My 10 Commandments of Blogging
Writers have it tough. We try to make a living by putting our heart into words, but if people don’t like our words (or our hearts) then they won’t read it. If they don’t read it, we don’t get paid. If we don’t get paid, it’s hardly a living. This catapults us into a maze…
3 Ways to Overcome Writing Obstacles: YOU Can Do It!
My writing pal Mick Silva, founder of Your Writer’s Group, has been a much needed encourager as I work (or think about working) on my current WIP. His tagline for his awesome community is “Writing for a Higher Purpose.” And through our email communication and his Monday Morning Motivations, he challenges me to do just…
4 Ways to Enjoy Summer While Writing
With the changing of seasons comes the changing of schedules and many writing interruptions. You think you’ll have more time to write in the summer, but every year it seems like you have less. Can you relate? If you’re like me, summer activities will take on a life of their own if I don’t grab…
Jonah Vine
Jonah 4:6 Then the Lord provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was happy. Remember what happened to Jonah after he finally went to Nineveh? He sat back and rested under a vine that God gave him. And when that…
Writing Historicals: Immerse Yourself in the Details
Tuesday Teachings from the archives: I’ve been going back through the wonderful content on Writer…Interrupted and wanted to share the relevant teaching from past posts! Hope you enjoy this new Tuesday feature!- Gina Three of my first four contracted books involve a step back in time to the days of World War Two. I may have…
Freelancing to Support My Fiction Habit
Before I became a novelist, I was a journalist. I wrote for my high school and college newspapers, rising in the ranks to news editor. After college I began my first novel, got married, had a baby and stopped writing. Then had three more babies. Unfortunately, I didn’t know I could write and raise children.…