Vlog on Interruptions: Cause I Didn’t Have Time to Write
So I’ve been wanting to do more vlogs and since I missed my post this morning, here is a two-take impromptu encouragement from a VERY EXHAUSTED me. And honestly, I think I was talking TO MYSELF more than anyone else out there! So what do you think? To Vlog or not to Vlog more often?…
Spring Cleaning: Getting Rid of Distractions
The notion to get an early start on spring cleaning has taken hold of me. My husband and I have been thinking about getting rid of things, but it’s a little more than a desire for fewer surfaces where dust can accumulate. My head is full of projects: better manage my online/social media presence, do something with…
Is it Important to Know the Future?
It was a Sunday morning of my writing weekend. I had just finished a rather good word count and went back and forth about debating whether or not to miss my church’s new series on Jesus, but figured I could catch it on the web. So I flipped through the channels of the hotel television,…
Tax Tip Tuesday: Common Direct Expenses for Writers
Writers work in all different genres and write for a variety of media outlets. Some of us are business writers, others create romance novels and many write articles for magazines or copy for web sites. Putting words into print is our profession, but dealing with the financial aspects of our writing business can be challenging.…
Empty My Hands
Our family is in an odd spot. We’re between normals, if “normal” ever actually exists for us. As we leave one stage and embark on the next, I have no idea how my days will form. What will they include? Which path will they take? As it is now, I’m impatient to get this over…
Look Up and Enjoy My Present
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” Psalm 139:13-14 Everyone in my family, except my brother, has to wear reading glasses. Our vision is good, but it’s hard to make out words, details…
Author Mom Lori Z. Scott, Her “Baby” Meghan Rose and a Book Giveaway!
Lori welcome to Writer..Interrupted! Tell us a little about yourself Being a mother is my highest calling in life. And that means I’m a caregiver, nurse, tutor, cheerleader, counselor, transportation expert, and nutritionist. Doing all those mommy things is a bit like stuffing a sock with pineapples. It’s a stretch, but I pursue my own…
Embracing Life’s Layovers
Sometimes I feel as if I’m on a layover to my final destination. A stop on the way to something better, more exciting—My destiny. You would think a stop, a pause in travel would be restful, and I guess sometimes it can be, but if you’ve been on a layover in an airport, then you…
Studying Emotions in Life & Writing Through Friendly Fire
I woke in the middle of the night to the rooster crowing at the moon. Strange but true. Poor pea brained birds don’t know the difference between the moon, a bright light bulb or the sun! Later, and still before the sun had risen, I woke again to the sound of a single gun shot.…
From Contract to Shelf: My Book’s Story in Statuses and Pictures
I know I’ve been away from here for a while, but I haven’t been far. I blog EVERY Friday at PLUS I update my Facebook and Twitter statuses like crazy and I’m planning on reposting some popular posts I’ve written so stay tuned. I’ll try and hang around here more just in case you…