Who Does Your Resolution Serve?
How are your New Year’s Resolutions holding up? I’ve never been much for sweeping changes at the start of a new year, and I have faltered on many more resolutions than I’ve kept. If I wasn’t discouraged by goals a sight loftier than my commitment, then I was forgetting my hasty decision to jettison a…
Organizing Your Writing Business for Tax Season
Writers work in all different genres and write for a variety of media outlets. Some of us are business writers, others create romance novels and many write articles for magazines or copy for web sites. Putting words into print is our profession, but dealing with the financial aspects of our writing business can be challenging.…
Resurrect Your Dream Passion for 2012
Our dreams can be like a familiar childhood friend. They’re often something we’ve grown up with and treasured in our hearts since we were little, but for one reason or another we’ve drifted away from. We all go through seasons where our dreams need to be grounded so we can focus on other things in…
Top 10 Ways to Hold a Swing Shift Marriage Together
With the start of the new year, you may have new goals for your marriage. Here are some tips to help! 1) Close the door and hang out together for half an hour or more. Kids, this is grownup time. If no one’s bleeding, your request can wait. 2) Know the tuned-out look of the…
And My Book is Off…
The race started early. My book jumped the gun, not that I’m complaining in the least, but it launched early, before Christmas which was really a pleasant surprise. Family and friends started reading my book before Christmas and if you preordered you didn’t have to wait until the January 1st launch date to receive your…
Grief and Loss During Or After the Holiday Season
Twas the night before Thanksgiving, and I was waiting to head for the airport at midnight to pick up a dear friend when she was scheduled to land at 1 a.m. While I waited, I sat at my desk, working on a couple of projects while enjoying a holiday movie. As I wrote, I noticed…
Fear Diversions
It’s really been a struggle to write lately, and I’ve blamed it on everything but myself. Kids’ homework, husband’s work schedule, appointments, phone calls, housework, laundry – the list goes on and on. While these things do compete for my time and attention, I’ve discovered only this week how much I have given place to…
Pain is a Gift? Suffering With Christ
“So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin.You won’t spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the…
Uncovering the Seed of the You God Created
God made you with a specific purpose in mind. It would be easy to find that purpose if it were not for one thing . . . we have to live in this world. That means that from the moment you are born your purpose seed, the one that God designed, gets bombarded with expectations…
Author Mari McCarthy on No Time to Write
No time to write? Put it in your journal! A writer is for life. That’s why many who love writing find themselves now and then unable to devote time to it. There may be portions of your life when it’s no more possible to give serious attention to writing than it is to walk on…